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How Can we make the world a better place?

I launched Innovate Design Co. when I believed it was possible to use street art and design to impact the way people view the world around them. As a designer, it is my belief that design can be used to create positive change in society, and evoke others to do the same when they see the work I create. Graphic Design is an extension of language, and can be a very powerful and visual, non verbal language. When design is on the street, everyone sees it and is affected by it. Through my work, I elicit emotions in people that empower them to be part of something better in their community, and beyond. I grew up  feeling that I was powerless, and that what I thought didn't matter because of my position in society, and school at that time. I decided that I was going to use a bad situation for good, and learned from the experiences I had. It made me realize I had so much value than I ever though possible, and that design was the way I was to get the message out and help others. I believe other people should not have to go through what I did, and that everyone has the power to make a change for the better, all it takes is a little motivation and empowerment, that can be found in a an emotionally charged graphic design element. I always ask my clients, and now I ask you: “How can we work together to make the world a better place?”. Be the change you wish to see in the world! 

(Street tag/sticker with digitally drawn portrait of Mahatma Gandhi. The piece that inspired a larger mission)

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